5 August 2024
Sorry for the long delay between updates, it has been quite the summer so far.
I’m going to be making changes to this updates page since remembering to do it monthly seems to not be as easy as I thought. Still hoping to do somewhat regular updates, but not aiming for the 1st of every month anymore.
Also, going to let the updates be a bit more freeform. Maybe a bit about personal projects here, or an update or two from my Real Life™ job too when it’s interesting enough.
Firstly, I just wanted to first share a photo of me and my dad.
Last birthday adventures
He passed away a few weeks ago, and I already miss him so much.
Other than that, I really haven’t had time for many personal projects. Obviously.
Over at Breeze, its been a busy month growing even more with the summer travel crowds. We survived the Crowdstrike outage. Most impressively by issuing boarding passes at the airport using CSV files and mail merge in Microsoft Word. Maybe someone should have told Delta to do that…
Also, we are officially live on Expedia and Priceline now. I will always preach to book direct to friends and family, especially for when things go wrong, but there will always be people wanting to fly PVD-MCO for their annual Disney trip, and know nothing outside of the online travel agency. Now they will now know about us!
Beyond all the work, I’m still loving the job. The benefits make it well worth it as well. I say that as I sit here writing this update in Colorado. I’m very much looking forward to much more travel in the coming months once the summer travel chaos winds down.